CFA Level 1 Practice Questions, Mock Exam & Quiz

We have compiled a list of CFA Level 1 Practice Questions for you to try out for FREE. This could be a great help while preparing for the Global Financial Exam and obtain the CFA Charter.

CFA or Chartered Financial Analyst Exam

Call it a notoriously challenging qualification or a tough exam to crack, no doubt clearing the CFA exam isn’t a cakewalk. A lot of hard work, consistent efforts and time management is what you need to pass the three CFA levels.

So, are you preparing for the Chartered Financial Analyst Exam or a CFA aspirant? Are you hunting for CFA sample papers, practice tests and mock exams? But, what you get is highly-priced CFA study material packages and study notes with pricey tags. Relax!!

Great News!! We have something of your interest.

That’s the reason why we started this CFA Preparation Section where we’ll be sharing quiz, Mock Exams & Practice material for those preparing for the CFA qualification. And the best part, its FREE to try any of these questions.

A set of CFA Level 1 Quiz based on the different subjects and topics you have to study in your CFA curriculum.

Before solving that, if you wish to dig more, you can have a look at CFA Level 1 Course Fees, Eligibility & Program Details

What are you waiting for? Go ahead and check your CFA preparation level.

Test Your CFA Level 1 Knowledge: Quiz 1

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CFA Level I Quantitative Methods

Questions relating to Quantitative Methods

1 / 10

Efficiency of an unbiased estimator is measured by its:

2 / 10

Intergenerational data mining involves using:

3 / 10

A discrete probability distribution is the same as

4 / 10

A numerical descriptive measure of a population, usually unknown is known as

5 / 10

You can best summarize a large mass of data pictorially by means of

6 / 10

If the Mean, Median and Mode of a distribution are 3.5, 3.8 and 4 respectively, the distribution is said to be:

7 / 10

As the degrees of freedom increases and the t-statistic approaches towards the z-statistic, the tails of the distribution most likely become:

8 / 10

Given the Probabilities as:

P(A) = 35%

P(B) = 65%

P(B | A) = 65%

What is the probability that Event A and Event B occur?

9 / 10

In a positively skewed distribution:

10 / 10

A property and potential benefit of using arithmetic mean is its ability to:

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The average score is 48%


Test Your CFA Level 1 Knowledge: Quiz 2

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CFA Level 1 Economics

Questions relating to Economics

1 / 10

Inflation in a country usually leads to

2 / 10

Inferior goods refer to

3 / 10

Hyperinflation is caused by

4 / 10

Which of the statements is correct? GDP or Gross Domestic Product is

5 / 10

Which of the following statements is correct? A government’s fiscal deficit can be financed by

6 / 10

The changes in prices of all the goods and services produced in economy can be measured by

7 / 10

Leading Economic Indicators (LEI) are:

8 / 10

What does a negative cross-price elasticity between two goods indicate? They are likely to be

9 / 10

John is researching on an industry. He discovers it has numerous buyers and sellers. There is free entry and exit in the market. The firms’ motive is profit maximization and there is no consumer preference. So, what kind of market structure the industry has?

10 / 10

Which one of these is least likely to cause a shift in the long-run aggregate supply curve?

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The average score is 62%


Don’t worry!! Even if you didn’t score well in the practice questions, you can come out with flying colors in the real exam. After all, this is simply a learning session to achieve your goals in the actual CFA exam.

Another refresher quiz to freshen up your financial basics. Of course, this isn’t for the CFA Level , but to enhance your basic financial knowledge.

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Investment Basics Quiz

1 / 10

The Rule of 72 determines how long will it take for

2 / 10

When you are buying a stock, you get a small piece of

3 / 10

What is Compound Interest?

4 / 10

Which of the following Investment is considered to be the riskiest?

5 / 10

Derivatives can be classified as

6 / 10

A private company going public for the first time by sale of its stocks to raise capital

7 / 10

An account to hold shares and securities in an electronic format

8 / 10

A pool of money collected from various investors and put in a variety of financial instruments like stocks, bonds, money market instruments, etc.

9 / 10

A bull market is when

10 / 10

A Trading Account is

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The average score is 79%


To gather in-depth information on this globally recognised professional examination, you can explore CFA Certification: How to become a Chartered Financial Analyst?

We’ll be updating this page as and when we are ready with a new CFA Level 1 Quiz. If you have any specific requirements, you may share your interests with us. Any specific topic or query on CFA that you wish to discuss. Feel free to discuss in the comments.

Also, see Is CFA Worth It? and then take the decision.

Stay tuned!! Very soon a number of new and interesting CFA Level 1 Quizzes and Practice Questions shall keep popping in to guide you in your financial career path. All the Best!

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