NRI Tax and ITR : Which Income of NRI is taxable in India and How ?

Are you looking for exclusive details on Non resident Indians or NRIs, Tax on NRIs, Which income of NRIs is taxable and related queries. You have landed at the perfect place to get answer to all your queries.

Keep reading further to grab all these details…

One of my friends got a good job opportunity and recently moved abroad, but he was worried about his tax compliance in India for the year.

Which of his income is taxable in India ? Does he need to pay Income tax in India ? Does he need to file his Income tax return in India ? These were the questions he was concerned about like many Indians normally are once they move out of India.

So,here we are with the answers to the above queries that many of you might be thinking over …

Now,whether an Individual is liable to tax is determined by his residential status.

Residential status of an Individual is the key factor for determining the taxability of Income in India.

Following incomes are taxable in India based on your residential status :

  • For Resident Indians : Your Global Income is taxable in India i.e.income earned anywhere in India or outside India.
  • For Non Resident Indians : Income earned or accrued in India,for services rendered in India.

Hence,NRIs or Non Resident Indians are taxed on income earned in India during a particular financial year.

Who is a Resident Indian and a Non Resident Indian?

As per the Income Tax act 1961,a person is a Resident of India if :

  • He has stayed 182 days or more in India in the current financial year or
  • He stayed in India for 60 days or more in the previous financial year and 365 days or more in the preceding 4 years (The 4 years shall be counted from the year before the financial year which is into consideration).

So,if you satisfy any of the above conditions,then you become an Ordinary Resident.In case you don’t satisfy them, then you shall be considered as a Non Resident Indian.

So,if you are a Non resident,you are liable to pay tax on the income that you earn in India.The income that you earn outside India i.e.your foreign income is not taxable in India provided you maintain your NRI status.

As a Non Resident Indian,you are liable to pay taxes :

  • If Taxable income in India during a financial year exceeds the Basic exemption limit of Rs.2.5 lakhs.
  • If you have Short term Capital Gain (STCG) or Long term Capital Gain(LTCG) from sale of property in India.

Income Tax slab rates for NRI or Non Resident Indians : 

Taxable Income < Rs.250000NIL
Taxable Income > Rs.250000 but < Rs.50000010% of Amount by which Taxable Income > Rs.250000
Taxable Income > Rs.500000 but < Rs.1000000Rs.25000 + 20% of amount by which Taxable Income > Rs.500000
Taxable Income > Rs.1000000Rs.125000 + 30% of amount by which Taxable Income > Rs.1000000

There is no difference in Tax slab rates for Senior and Super Senior NRIs unlike resident individuals.The tax slabs remain same for Non residents irrespective of their age.

However,Tax is deducted at source or TDS is applicable on payment to NRIs at a flat rate irrespective of income tax slab, in case of most of the investment incomes earned by NRIs.

To have a look at TDS rates you can refer our blog post Section 195 : TDS Rates on NRI payments

Do NRIs have to pay advance tax in India ?

Yes,NRIs are required to pay advance tax if their tax liability during a financial year exceeds Rs.10000 just like a Resident Indian.Interest under Section 234 B and 234 C is also applicable to NRIs if advance tax is not paid on time.

When NRI is required to file ITR in India?

This is the most common query that Non residents generally have.Filing of ITR is mandatory for NRIs where the :

  • Total taxable income during a financial year exceeds the basic exemption limit of Rs.2.5 lakhs.
  • If you have Short term Capital Gain (STCG) or Long term Capital Gain(LTCG) from sale of assets or investments in India even if your income is below basic exemption limit.
  • If you want to claim any tax refund, in case excess TDS has been deducted.
  • If you want to carry forward and set off any losses against gains.

Few exceptions : 

NRI is not required to file Income tax return or ITR if :

  • Taxable income consists of Investment income only like interest and/or Capital gains provided TDS has been deducted on the same.
  • Taxable income consists of income from specified investments only(as given below).
  • Long term Capital gain is on sale of equity shares or equity mutual funds in India.

However,if you want to claim refund or carry forward your losses,you will be required to file your ITR before due date.

What is Due date of Income tax return or ITR filing for NRI ?

The due date for filing ITR in case of Non resident Indians or NRIs is same as that of Resident Indians which is 31 st July of the relevant assessment year.

*Relevant assessment year refers to the immediately succeeding financial year.

Example : If we are filing the Income tax return for F.Y.2015-16 (on the income earned during FY 2015-16),the relevant assessment year shall be 2016-17.

This is normal due date of filing ITR. However,the government can extend the prescribed due dates as and when required by giving prior notifications.

A must read : 10 Documents required to file your ITR in India !

NRI tax and ITR

Which income of NRI is taxable in India ?

Here,we have discussed all possible sources of income by which a Non Resident Indian or NRI can earn in India and the tax implications thereon.

1. Salary Income :

If you are a Non Resident Indian or NRI and you receive any salary in India or even if someone receives it on your behalf.You will be liable to pay tax on such salary as per the Income tax slab rates.

Now,Income from salary will arise in India if you render services in India.In simple words,if you get salary for rendering services in India,such income comes under the purview of The Indian Income tax.So,you will be taxed for services provided in India.

Exceptions : Also,if you are a Government of India employee and a citizen of India and you render service outside India, the salary you receive in such a case shall be taxable in India.

However,Salary of Diplomats,ambassadors is not taxable.

2. Income from House Property/Assets :

Rental income is the  most common source of income of NRIs in India.A large number of NRIs rent out their properties in India and receive income in the form of monthly rent.

So,any such income that arises from a property in India,is taxable in the hands of NRI. This forms part of the Total taxable Income in India and is taxed as per Income tax slab rates.An NRI is also allowed to claim standard deduction of 30% from rental income.

NRIs can also claim deductions on home loan taken for purchase or construction house like

Another,important point to be noted here is that, when a tenant pays rent to his NRI landlord, the tenant needs to deduct TDS @ 30% and submit form 15 CA online to the Income tax department.It does not matter whether you as an NRI receive such rental income in your account in India or in the bank account of the country where you stay.The same shall be subject to tax in India,if it arises from property situated in India.

3.  Income from Business/Profession :

As an NRI,any income that you earn from a business that is controlled or setup in India,that accrues in India shall also become your taxable income in India.So,if you are getting some income through any business in India,the same shall be taxed in India.

Any income from a profession set up in India where services are provided in India or income accrues in India,the same shall be taxable in India.

4. Capital Gains :

Any Capital gain arising from transfer of capital assets in India shall become taxable in India. Simply stated, Capital gains arising from transfer of assets,shares,short term or long term investments in India shall be liable to tax in India.

But,NRIs can enjoy special provision related to investment income.If an NRI invests in certain specified investments in India,he shall be taxed at 20%.These specified investments are :

  • Central Government Securities.
  • Shares in Indian companies.
  • Debentures by public listed companies( not private companies).
  • Deposits with banks and public companies.

So,if an NRI has income only from these investments and TDS has been deducted on the same,ITR is not required to be filed.In case you want to claim tax refund,you will anyways need to file your ITR.

You may also like our post : How can NRI invest in mutual funds in India ?

5. Income from other sources :

Interest Income earned on Fixed deposits and Indian Saving bank account during the year,shall be taxable in India.However,interest earned in NRE Account and FCNR Account is exempt from tax.But,interest earned in your NRO account shall be taxable.

For complete details on NRE/NRO Accounts you can refer : NRE Account vs NRO Account – Facts you need to know

Basically,as a Non Resident Indian,you have to sum up all the various incomes that either originated in India or have been received in India.

Being an NRI,you can avail the benefit of DTAA or Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement and avoid paying taxes on the same income twice. You need to be aware of the DTAA of your residing country with India.This will help you to either get an exemption on already taxed income or you will be entitled to relief in one of the countries.

As an NRI, make sure you account for all your income earned in India,include them in your Income tax return for the financial year and pay the taxes as applicable.

As an NRI, looking for investing your money in India you must go through 7 Best Investments for NRIs in India !

Feel free to share your valuable feedback in the comment section below !


10 thoughts on “NRI Tax and ITR : Which Income of NRI is taxable in India and How ?”

  1. Hi, For FY 2017-18 my status is NRI as I have spend more than 200 days in UK.
    On UK Payroll, my company used to deduct income tax as per UK law.
    However, I have the option to reclaim the Tax from UK, but then do I have to pay income tax in India for income in UK.

  2. Hi,I am NRI residing in the US from past 4 years.I have a question regarding a joint venture in India.I am planning to partner up with couple of relatives/friends to invest in real estate.Can you please let me know, if its okay to invest as a joint partner in the real estate while residing in the US.

  3. Hi,I am currently working in India. I came here on 04-June-2017 and I will leave by 3rd December 2017.I want to claim my tax refund. So, when I will be able to claim and when I should file tax return.

    • Hi, if you are eligible for tax refund and want to claim it, you can do so by filing your ITR. Just clarify a bit as to which year’s income you are talking about.If you are talking about current financial year 2017-18 income you can file your tax return after completion of this financial year.If your income is below taxable limit then you can claim tax refund in your ITR after March. Hope this helps!

  4. My grandfather had invested in six ICICI money multiplier bonds with Rs5,000 each (Rs30,000 total) during 1999. I received a a cheque from ICICI in March 2017 for Rs.245640 (meaning TDS of Rs.54360). I do not have any other income from indian sources. I live outside india since last 18 years and not citizen of india. How and when should I file my indian tax (which ITR form I should use) to get back the TDS? Will ICICI send a statement of TDS withheld?

    Thank you for your response and help.

    • Hi,The due date for ITR filing is 31st July. If you don’t have any other income in India, you can claim refund.Its better to contact a professional advisor to help you out in the correct manner. Also, I think ICICI will forward you the TDS certificate.

  5. I am an NRI & having income in India from house rent. Total house rent I am getting Rs.510000 per year. I am saving Rs.150000 in PPF account. Please let me know whether I need to file my ITR because I am saving an amount of Rs.150000 in PPF.Thank you very much in advance.

    • You have House property income in India that amounts to Rs.510000 p.a. Any individual, if NRI or not whose taxable income exceeds the minimum tax exemption limit is required to file ITR. Assuming you are not a senior citizen,the basic exemption slab for individuals is Rs.2.5 lakhs. Also,you might have opened your PPF account before attaining the NRI status since NRIs are not allowed to open fresh PPF accounts.Moreover,any income,the source of which is located in India is taxable in India.So,ideally you should be filing an ITR in India. You may also have other incomes like interest etc. in India, so it is better to seek professional advice and meet all requisite compliances.

  6. I’m not aware of the ITR TAX. Want to Explore all the procedures and information about the Tax but after reading this post, I’m satisfied with the information you provided, thanks a ton.


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