Fintrakk : 1 Year Blogging Anniversary! Let’s celebrate!

1st May,2017…Today is a great day for us, Fintrakk turns 1 today, Yes…we are really excited…its the 1st Blogging Anniversary of our Personal Finance Blog and a day to celebrate. So,first of all, let’s wish it a very Happy Blog Anniversary !

When we thought of different ways to celebrate this special occasion, we found that there are no better ways than celebrating it with our audience, the loyal and fantastic readers of our blog. Don’t worry…we won’t share any long details here, just a simple note of thanks for you and some details of our Blogging journey.

We would love to share our views and the journey so far (that was not so easy) in setting up this Personal finance blog and building a great audience. Like any journey, this one was also full of hurdles that we had to cross to reach at this level.

The journey of reaching upto 60k monthly page views was not at all simple. Its not only the hard work and consistency that helped us reach here.But the great support from our readers all the way through has also been a crucial factor.

Although, its still a long way to go… a lot of efforts to be put in to grow it further.

Fintrakk Anniversary Cake,Blogging anniversary

Our Journey :

It was 1st May,2016 when the idea of setting up this personal finance blog clicked into our mind. We just wanted something that could help the common man in adding to his knowledge. Hence, came “Fintrakk : A knowledge sharing platform” to provide useful information to its readers.

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This was initially limited to only Finance and Taxation Tips for Indian Investors. But, looking at the wonderful response from our audience, we diversified our area and introduced various categories of Indian as well as global outreach.

We started with just 3 categories i.e. Finance, Investment and taxation. But, now we have expanded our knowledge and sharing horizon towards some other important areas like :

  • Career 
  • Credit cards
  • Infographics
  • Lifehacks 
  • Global and still adding on…to provide a variety to our readers.

We also introduced a library section to let you know about books in important areas like business, economics, personal finance, mutual funds etc.

Of course, Finance and taxation are still the primary topics of discussion but we share information on a wide range of topics in the different categories.

Moreover, Fintrakk is not restricted to a particular set of Indian audience only, but we have a huge number of mixed audience that comprises of Professionals, businessmen, students, NRIs and people from across the globe.

On this special occasion, our 1st Blogging AnniversaryWe thank all our blog readers,friends,mentors and all those people who have been a great inspiration to continue our journey so far. It won’t have been possible without your support.

It really feels good that we published various articles that helped you in meeting your financial goals.We will keep doing so in one way or the other to simplify your financial and personal journey.

Top 5 Articles on

We have listed the best of our work that got an overwhelming response and attracted a large audience over the year.

  1. 9 Best Courses after 12th Commerce 
  2. 7 Best Short Term Investments in India
  3. 7 Best Long Term Investments in India
  4. 10 Best Credit Cards in India 
  5. Best Savings Bank Account in India

GST – Impact of GST on Common Man : Our content from this GST blog also got published in the International Journal of Innovative Research in Management Studies (IJIRMS)  alongwith content from big names like Business insider, Indiatoday and Moneycontrol. Indeed a big achievement to share !

There are a lot more to add to the list of top articles out of the total 132 articles published during the year. We also succeeded in building a massive subscriber list of around 3500 subscribers.

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We have recently started getting active on Twitter @ Fintrakk_blog also where we have build a good number of followers where the number is about to reach 500. You can also join us to get regular updates from all around.

A Final Note :

Our primary purpose for setting up this finance blog was to help our audience understand topics in a simple and easy manner. This still remains our main motive.We try to reply to almost all the genuine queries and comments that we get from our readers and simplify things for them.For this we had also introduced a Q&A Forum to post your queries. You can anyways post your feedback and queries in the comment section given at the end of each article.

It has been a great learning experience at Fintrakk and the team thanks you for all the motivation and support that you have given us.

We need your wishes and continuous support in the coming years as well to take to new heights. Any views,suggestions and improvements from your side are welcome. If you wish to get details on any genuine topic of your interest, do share the same in the comment section below. We shall try our best to provide you the relevant information.

Thanks to our cheerful audience !

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